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9 Tips For Growing The Heirloom Tomatoes

Heirloom tomato seeds are used to grow heirloom tomatoes. It is also the favorite crop of many growers as it helps in bringing both premium prices and customers who are in the search of old-fashioned tomato flavor. Its flavors, colors, and textures are quite different than the tomatoes that are bought from stores.


Growing humeral tomatoes are quite easy and simple and can be beneficial as well. Heirloom tomatoes are easy and profitable to grow. This is because heirloom tomatoes can be harvested after 60 days of transplanting, which can lead to good income only after a few weeks.


Therefore, if you are thinking about growing heirloom tomatoes, it is important to know how it is grown or can be grown.


In this article, we recommend 10 strategies that can help you grow heirloom tomatoes:


  • To Get Heirloom Tomato Seeds: The first thing required for growing Heirloom tomato seeds is to buy the best quality seeds. You can buy the seeds online or through companies that can offer you tomato seeds of the best quality.


  •  Learn To Graft: The most effective and cultural practice with heirloom tomatoes is to use grafted plants. It also helps in reducing the risk of soilborne diseases and can lead to an overall vigor that helps the plants resist foliar diseases as well.


  • Transplanting It In Larger Pots: Heirloom tomatoes can work better if they are grown in large pots or the wider areas. The leaves of heirloom tomatoes tend to be moist that becomes a mode of attraction for most of the diseases growing in moist conditions.


  • Pruned Correctly: Heirloom tomatoes are said to be vigorous growers, therefore, they must be pruned more often.  Pruning is an important step to be taken because removing suckers provides better air circulation, which also helps it’s foliar to prevent it from diseases.


  • Make Sure To Provide Equal Spacing:  Planting tomatoes with wider spacing is another strategy to grow heirloom tomatoes. Planting tomatoes with equal spacing will help in increasing air circulation thereby reducing disease pressure.


  • Use Lay Drip Lines: It would be better to use drip lines to keep the leaves dry. Drip irrigation is better for overhead watering.
  • Prevention From Disease:  After planting the heirloom tomato seeds make sure that it is inspected timely to avoid any sign of disease. It can be made easy if you will follow the pruning method more often.


  • Water Properly: Most of the heirloom varieties have thin skin on the top of it, which enhances the eating quality of tomatoes. Thus, being careful not to overwater can help in reducing the number of splits. Also, when tomatoes receive more water than needed, it is directly directed into the fruits which directly creates the effect of diluting the flavor.


  • Grow Tomatoes On Mulch: Growing tomatoes on mulch can be useful as it prevents soil splash, keeps the soil warm, conserves soil moisture, and prevent weeds, all of which benefits marketable yields.



If you want to grow the best heirloom tomatoes, just follow the above-given tips and it will surely become a profitable crop for you as well as for your customers.


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